Keep Calm and Carry on Communicating
Posted on 14th July 2022 at 14:12
It comes as no surprise that times are tough right now for businesses and individuals across the UK.
Retail and wholesale prices are rising quickly and coupled with huge increases in fuel and energy bills, the outlook is not set to improve any time soon.
Along with many businesses, if you have not already started, then you may soon be looking closely at costs and investment to see if there are any savings to be made.
Marketing Under Scrutiny
It is more than likely that one of those areas of business activity being scrutinised to the nth degree will be marketing and communications.
Marketing as a business tool is always one of the first to have its purse strings tightened and projects put on hold when the economy turns down.
On the face of it, why not? Customers have less money to buy your good and services so why waste money telling them about things they do not want and cannot afford?
If you feel there is little good news to communicate about your business and your products and services, then why say anything at all.
Do Not Stop Marketing
It doesn’t necessarily sound logical but in our long experience, Artus Digital Marketing knows all too well that when business forecasts are pessimistic, putting your communications strategy on hold is the last thing you should do.
Here’s a few reasons why you need to keep calm and carry on communicating.
Competition Continues
The pace of business activity may be slower, but it is still competitive. You need to be telling your customers that despite the downturn, you are open for business and still offering a great product or service.
Keeping You in Mind
If you go quiet on the marketing front, when the economy picks up - and it will - you will have dropped out of the minds of your customers just when they are looking for support themselves to get back up and running.
Maintaining Momentum
When the upturn comes, if you have not maintained your communications, you may have to scrap planned projects and go back to basics with your marketing strategy as messages about your products and services may be different.
False Economy
Any savings you think you might be making now by cutting the marketing budget will disappear because of the extra investment you may need to make to amend projects and get back in business.
Digital Marketing is the Answer
None of this is to ignore the fact that you may well need to put some financial constraints in place for a period.
Under such circumstances, digital marketing is an excellent and cost-effective way to keep on communicating quickly, easily and clearly.
While price can be significant, your relationship with your customers is also about perceptions of loyalty and value and they need to be nurtured.
At Artus Digital Marketing, we can help you manage your relationship with your customers by using our marketing experience and expertise. We offer a flexible service and have proudly forged many long-term relationships with our clients and collaborators.
If you would like to know more simply get in contact. We all need to keep calm and carry on communicating.
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