Positive News April 2023 - The Artus Edit
Posted on 21st April 2023 at 16:05
Last month, Artus came together to discuss their favourite Positive News stories from February. With a range of stories and topics to choose from, the blog became a reflection of the amazing work society continues to do during uncertain times.
As storytellers, we hope that by sharing articles from Positive News, we can unlock the narratives that have spoken to us as individuals with hopes to spread the good news. The Artus team have worked to draw together some of their favourite stories from the last month, sharing why they were impactful and how their time consuming media was positively influenced.
Here they are!
Ellie - The Female Led Street Patrol
This Positive News story highlights the amazing work being done by Women’s Street Watch Newcastle (WSWN), an army of pink-jacketed volunteers who are patrolling the streets of Newcastle to ensure people get home safely.
Ellie described the personal impact of the article by explaining how ‘as a young female student, the welfare and safety of myself and my friends during evenings out is something that is particularly important to me.
From beginning university to heading into my final year in October, the message of staying in groups and remaining aware of my surroundings was repeated by family and peers. Public security is already essential to remain safe, there being motifs in the media about what you should and shouldn’t do to remain out of harm's way during the night.
However, while others' behaviour is not our responsibility, it is encouraging to see groups such as Women’s Street Watch Newcastle ensuring the safety of women and others during the night. I hope to see groups like WSWN in more cities in the future!’

Rachel and Olivia - Britain's Female-Led Firms Are Beacons of Light in Gloomy Times
Despite market turbulence, Positive News highlighted how more women than ever are launching businesses in Britain, with female-led enterprises now making up a fifth of all companies.
Rachel said how she was ‘really happy to read that enterprises run by women now represent a fifth of all companies in the UK. Gender inequality and the infamous 'glass ceiling' has been an issue for far too long, so it's a great relief to read that things are finally changing. Hopefully, the next generation of businesswomen will find it even easier to fulfil their ambitions.’
Similarly, Olivia commented how ‘last year, female entrepreneurs in the UK defied our turbulent economic environment, launching an unprecedented number of businesses compared to previous years. As a result, female-led enterprises now comprise one-fifth of all companies in the country - up from 16 per cent in 2018.
As a young woman navigating the marketing sector and writing for companies across various industries, this news has filled me with optimism and determination for my future, showing me that female entrepreneurs across the country are empowered to pursue their goals.’
Lucy - Climate Solutions
The importance of elephants, sharks and other animals is highlighted in this news story, explaining how they could play a vital role in climate control.
When choosing this story, Lucy explained how she chose this article ‘as now more than ever it is important to support our planet and fight against climate change. It is easy to forget how useful animals are in our fight against global warming so I think it would be great to raise attention to this.
It is also crucial to protect our wildlife and their habitats in order for them to perform their roles in our ecosystems.
I also like that this rewilding process allows us to feel connected to the animals in the fight against climate change.’
Zach - A Surge in Benevolance
According to a World Happiness Report, it has been found that there has been an increase in kindness after the Covid-19 Pandemic, despite the turmoil it caused for millions of people around the world.
The effects of the pandemic were profound, Zach explaining how ‘it had a damaging effect on multiple facets of our lives, but there have been many silver linings too.
I was particularly encouraged to hear that COVID-19 has led to a long-lasting global ‘surge in benevolence’. During the pandemic, people came together, supporting one another in various different ways, and this has continued beyond the end of lockdown.
Let’s hope that this will continue as an enduring legacy of the COVID years!’

Spreading The News
Studies have shown that sharing positive stories with those around you can increase happiness and mental wellbeing. By sharing these stories and encouraging impactful conversations, the team at Artus hope to make a positive influence within our community.
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