The Importance of Podcast Transcriptions
Posted on 26th May 2023 at 15:05
Over the last few years, the popularity of podcasts has grown massively, with experts naming the podcast industry as one of the biggest growth opportunities for UK media in 2023. With over 19.1 million people listening to podcasts in the UK each year, a huge market is available for businesses to develop into.
Unfortunately, podcasting is an audio-first medium, which can lead to many people becoming isolated from the form. However, transcripts have been proven to engage larger audiences, including those who struggle with hearing difficulties and non-native speakers.
What is a Podcast Transcript?
A transcription of your podcast is a word-for-word account of your podcast episode. It is simple to make and can be done by yourself or using an online software.
Currently, you can’t upload transcripts onto major podcast listening services such as Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify. However, uploading a transcript onto your website or social media platform can help your podcast reach the right audience.
Be More Accessible
Podcasts can be great storytelling tools. However, this doesn’t mean they are suitable for everyone.
Currently, there are 11 million people in the UK that are deaf or hard of hearing. By providing transcripts, you can increase the accessibility of your content whilst also reaching a wider audience. Although podcasts began as an audio medium, they shouldn’t be limited to this.
Not only do transcripts make your podcast more accessible, but they also make the listening experience more convenient. By offering a written copy of your content, more people can enjoy the podcast wherever they are. We’ve all forgotten our headphones on the bus before!
Great for SEO
Transcripts are a great opportunity to grow your SEO, as they are essentially long pieces of content highlighting all your keywords. Search engines are much more likely to pick up keywords from your transcript than they are a podcast, as they can’t currently register audio.
They can also increase your web traffic, helping to attract people to your podcast on multiple occasions. With 19% of people listening to podcasts weekly in the UK, adding a transcript seems a no-brainer!
Repurpose Your Content
One podcast episode can make up multiple pieces of content for your different social media channels. They are full of valuable information that you can use to generate blogs and other social media posts.
Posting a podcast transcript to your website can also increase your chances of being quoted on other platforms. Whether it’s a Tweet or an article, providing a written copy of your podcast makes your content readily available to others, helping to improve your page authority.
If you want to take your podcast to the next level, transcripts are a great way to help! To learn more, contact a member of the Artus team today!
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